This is an especially poignant memorial day when we remember the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country, her people, the constitution and our freedoms.
Heroes are not extraordinary people doing extraordinary things but average people who come to see there are greater things in life than themselves. And come to understand that if something isn't worth fighting for even risking their lives for, then of what value could that thing be.
Have we honored them or have we made all they fought and bled for into a farce.
Look around you.
Governors and Mayors have taken plenary power and rule by fiat. In taking such extraordinary measures ostensibly to protect us from the ravages of COVID-19, they offered no extraordinary proof of its necessity. A once free people are no longer free to attend religious services, congregate together or demonstrate for redress of grievance. Nor can they appear in public unless they wear a face mask and maintain a distance of 6 feet between them. People are obligated to wear face masks for the privilege to enter a business and spend there money there. We have now willingly separated ourselves into such arbitrary categories as "essential" and "non-essential" jobs and businesses. There is now such a thing as essential and non-essential people by extension. Even swimming at the beach, a memorial day, beginning of summer tradition enjoying the freedoms dearly bought for us by the sacrifices of our servicemen is now forbidden.
We have allowed ourselves to be turned into dependent and helpless children who are unable to decide for ourselves what is best for us. Just as we have turned our elected politicians and bureaucrats, those who are our employees, into all-powerful parents who command our absolute obedience and whose word cannot be questioned.
Worse is the docile and slavish attitude of the majority of people who adhere to these diktats without question. Cowards who willingly surrendered the Bill of Rights in fear of an exaggerated menace. A lockdown said to be only for 2 weeks to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed changed to 4 weeks to "flatten the curve" then more than 2 months to "save on precious life" ignoring all the other precious lives affected or even lost due to the decisions of politicians. Not even as the time frame extended and the excuses changed, the curve flattened, did people realize they were being lied to the entire time. The despotic rules applied will never be fully rescinded and the social mores changed with depersonalizing and ultimately dehumanizing forced wearing of masks and "social distancing" will become "our new normal". Something that should be regarded gravely and rejected as it will serve only to socially isolate people into atomized individuals suspicious and fearful of each other. Protests and rallies will be no more and unnecessary as individualized, non-essential cattle have no voice or will to resist. They will only silently maintain their mandatory 6 foot distancing as they are inevitably marched into the abattoir.
We have shamed ourselves and the memory of those lost in defending our country, our freedoms and our way of life. We've rendered their sacrifices pointless and even ludicrous. Not because we were conquered from without but because we cravenly destroyed ourselves from within. The men who fought the dictators in the second world war now have their children and grandchildren applauding and praising dictators in Nurse Ratchet drag here at home.
Donald Cavaioli
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Morons like me- Comments on the Newtown Pentacle post "Sunniest Room", posted May 12, 2020
Expanded from a comment originally from the Newtown Pentacle post titled "Sunniest Room", by Mitch Waxman, May 12, 2020.
We all make mistakes, going along with something because everyone else was doing it only to later realize how absurd and foolish we were. Like thinking polyester disco clothes or leisure suits looked cool. Realizing the mistake and fixing it is what we must do. Better late than never.
One way to do it: Changing one's position slowly and by small degrees over a period of time is the best way to do an about face. Hopefully there are no wits or wags out there to recall one's original, shall we say, not very well thought out stance, which would highlight one's gullibility. Well, we're all guilty sometimes of the proverbial brain fart. I do also count myself as 'present' in that dubious roll call.
Just in the aftermath, we're left with the sticky problem of extricating ourselves with whatever shreds of dignity we can muster. The last thing one should do is respond with sobbing and railing against their interlocutor as picking their arguments apart like some evil black raven.
That's OK for the cad or bounder but completely undignified for the learned and bookish sort of gentleman. One should realize that they should have constructed a better thesis and accept the criticism with stoic equanimity.
Yes, even with the seat of one's trousers torn away, we should hold our heads high as we walk away with our bare arses hanging out. Because sooner or later we 'll turn a corner where our detractors will no longer see us and distance will fade their mocking laughter. Stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on and such.
OK, so what does the previous doggerel have to do with this Newtown Pentacle post or even anything sensible? Nothing, I suppose.
Hold on a sec! What's this: "Before any of you Libertarians, Bible Thumpers, LaRouchites, supply siders, Tea Partiers, or bleach drinkers accuse me of changing my tune on the Corona crisis… I’m as frustrated as everyone else is right now,..."
Is this the start of that slow about face or is it more "damn the iceberg, full speed ahead! Trust our experts, we're unsinkable!" I dunno. Maybe I'm one of those dullard Libertarians, Bible Thumpers, supply siders, Tea Partiers, bleach drinkers or just a moron.
We continue: "This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s a public health emergency. The kind which has historically scythed through the human population about once every hundred years or so."
So this super virus is the love child of the Andromeda strain and the black death. Only we can't see the sick everywhere around us and Eric Idle pulling a cart shouting "bring out your dead" but our experts and Mitch can. If any bleach drinking, bible thumping, libertarian supply siding Tea Partier says different, then they're conspiracy theorists which means their questions may be summarily dismissed because they drink bleach for heaven's sake. Furthermore as I quote from Planet Moron:
"If you are confused with some of the media accounts regarding the Covid-19 virus, it could simply be because you are still relying on “old science. This is a common error.”...[snip]..." Old science was grounded on the fundamental principle that conclusions must remain subject to scrutiny and therefore need to change in accordance with new data and observations whereas New Science is grounded in the fundamental principle of because I said so."
As President Fauci and the models said so seconded by our own Humble Narrator therefore it must be true even if the actual data says different. Got it. And for those who cannot get it even if they don't get it, go drink some more bleach.
"Those of you unfamiliar with New Science might mistakenly believe it sounds an awful lot like religion. Nothing could be further from the truth....[snip]...In stark contrast, people who adhere to religion are Republicans [Libertarians, Bible Thumpers, LaRouchites, supply siders, Tea Partiers, or bleach drinkers-my addition] And that’s why smart people know they should stick to science. Science helps everything make sense. There's no reason to be confused anymore. For example, still trying to understand why engaging in anonymous sex hookups on Tinder is okay but shaking hands isn’t? Because I said so."
There you go. Quod erat demonstratum. The CoronAmerica daemon virus is the worstest we've evah faced and all praise to his Celestial Majesty Andy Cuomo of Nipplerings (and seconded by our Humble Narrator with spaniel like fidelity) for shutting everything down lest we all die because He and the High Priests of Expertise said so. Stay at home, wear your mask properly or face the wrath of the NYPD, stay 6 feet apart and line up outside half empty stores like good Soviet citizens even if our betters do not.
So it isn't simply because I said so but do as I say and not as I do. That's okay with you, isn't it Mitch? Sure! Because it's a public health emergency even if the political and upper bureaucratic establishment don't follow the rules they impose on us. Members of Congress are exempted from the covid vaccine mandate mere peasants can lose their jobs or be denied medical treatment if they refuse. Pay no attention to the apparatchik behind the curtain or the bitter almond aftertaste of the Kool-Aid you're drinking. I suppose I'm the fool to disagree in light of the apocalyptic ravages of the daemon virus only the wiser and more enlightened can see. Fools had ne'er less grace in a year...
I guess I'm a truculent moron who adheres to hopelessly outdated notions of science and proof. As well, I have no credentials to gainsay my betters who are entitled to make ex cathedra pronouncements. But even a bleach drinking moron should conduct himself with proper dignity especially when bookish and learned gentlemen play the fool. I shall now walk away, trounced and bare arsed, with stoic equanimity.
Donald Cavaioli
To be fair and play devil's advocate, I realize this may (or may not) be just some of Mitch's shtick In which case I would owe him an apology with the excuse that sometimes it's hard to tell when he's being serious or when he's putting you on as he has a perfect sense of timing and is very subtle when laying it on. I'd owe you several rounds of drinks at Doyle's, payable on demand, if it ever opens again. But he does make one of the best conversationalists or sparring partners and sometimes it's irresistible to make jokes on. This post is tongue in cheek so the reader shouldn't take my comments here too seriously. I really do like the guy.
We all make mistakes, going along with something because everyone else was doing it only to later realize how absurd and foolish we were. Like thinking polyester disco clothes or leisure suits looked cool. Realizing the mistake and fixing it is what we must do. Better late than never.
One way to do it: Changing one's position slowly and by small degrees over a period of time is the best way to do an about face. Hopefully there are no wits or wags out there to recall one's original, shall we say, not very well thought out stance, which would highlight one's gullibility. Well, we're all guilty sometimes of the proverbial brain fart. I do also count myself as 'present' in that dubious roll call.
Just in the aftermath, we're left with the sticky problem of extricating ourselves with whatever shreds of dignity we can muster. The last thing one should do is respond with sobbing and railing against their interlocutor as picking their arguments apart like some evil black raven.
That's OK for the cad or bounder but completely undignified for the learned and bookish sort of gentleman. One should realize that they should have constructed a better thesis and accept the criticism with stoic equanimity.
Yes, even with the seat of one's trousers torn away, we should hold our heads high as we walk away with our bare arses hanging out. Because sooner or later we 'll turn a corner where our detractors will no longer see us and distance will fade their mocking laughter. Stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on and such.
OK, so what does the previous doggerel have to do with this Newtown Pentacle post or even anything sensible? Nothing, I suppose.
Hold on a sec! What's this: "Before any of you Libertarians, Bible Thumpers, LaRouchites, supply siders, Tea Partiers, or bleach drinkers accuse me of changing my tune on the Corona crisis… I’m as frustrated as everyone else is right now,..."
Is this the start of that slow about face or is it more "damn the iceberg, full speed ahead! Trust our experts, we're unsinkable!" I dunno. Maybe I'm one of those dullard Libertarians, Bible Thumpers, supply siders, Tea Partiers, bleach drinkers or just a moron.
We continue: "This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s a public health emergency. The kind which has historically scythed through the human population about once every hundred years or so."
So this super virus is the love child of the Andromeda strain and the black death. Only we can't see the sick everywhere around us and Eric Idle pulling a cart shouting "bring out your dead" but our experts and Mitch can. If any bleach drinking, bible thumping, libertarian supply siding Tea Partier says different, then they're conspiracy theorists which means their questions may be summarily dismissed because they drink bleach for heaven's sake. Furthermore as I quote from Planet Moron:
"If you are confused with some of the media accounts regarding the Covid-19 virus, it could simply be because you are still relying on “old science. This is a common error.”...[snip]..." Old science was grounded on the fundamental principle that conclusions must remain subject to scrutiny and therefore need to change in accordance with new data and observations whereas New Science is grounded in the fundamental principle of because I said so."
As President Fauci and the models said so seconded by our own Humble Narrator therefore it must be true even if the actual data says different. Got it. And for those who cannot get it even if they don't get it, go drink some more bleach.
"Those of you unfamiliar with New Science might mistakenly believe it sounds an awful lot like religion. Nothing could be further from the truth....[snip]...In stark contrast, people who adhere to religion are Republicans [Libertarians, Bible Thumpers, LaRouchites, supply siders, Tea Partiers, or bleach drinkers-my addition] And that’s why smart people know they should stick to science. Science helps everything make sense. There's no reason to be confused anymore. For example, still trying to understand why engaging in anonymous sex hookups on Tinder is okay but shaking hands isn’t? Because I said so."
There you go. Quod erat demonstratum. The CoronAmerica daemon virus is the worstest we've evah faced and all praise to his Celestial Majesty Andy Cuomo of Nipplerings (and seconded by our Humble Narrator with spaniel like fidelity) for shutting everything down lest we all die because He and the High Priests of Expertise said so. Stay at home, wear your mask properly or face the wrath of the NYPD, stay 6 feet apart and line up outside half empty stores like good Soviet citizens even if our betters do not.
So it isn't simply because I said so but do as I say and not as I do. That's okay with you, isn't it Mitch? Sure! Because it's a public health emergency even if the political and upper bureaucratic establishment don't follow the rules they impose on us. Members of Congress are exempted from the covid vaccine mandate mere peasants can lose their jobs or be denied medical treatment if they refuse. Pay no attention to the apparatchik behind the curtain or the bitter almond aftertaste of the Kool-Aid you're drinking. I suppose I'm the fool to disagree in light of the apocalyptic ravages of the daemon virus only the wiser and more enlightened can see. Fools had ne'er less grace in a year...
I guess I'm a truculent moron who adheres to hopelessly outdated notions of science and proof. As well, I have no credentials to gainsay my betters who are entitled to make ex cathedra pronouncements. But even a bleach drinking moron should conduct himself with proper dignity especially when bookish and learned gentlemen play the fool. I shall now walk away, trounced and bare arsed, with stoic equanimity.
Donald Cavaioli
To be fair and play devil's advocate, I realize this may (or may not) be just some of Mitch's shtick In which case I would owe him an apology with the excuse that sometimes it's hard to tell when he's being serious or when he's putting you on as he has a perfect sense of timing and is very subtle when laying it on. I'd owe you several rounds of drinks at Doyle's, payable on demand, if it ever opens again. But he does make one of the best conversationalists or sparring partners and sometimes it's irresistible to make jokes on. This post is tongue in cheek so the reader shouldn't take my comments here too seriously. I really do like the guy.
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