On the left, there is almost always a hierarchy. In victims who have grievances and needs, there are always those with greater grievance and have more needs which tends to shift around. In what is advertised as an egalitarian system, this may to those mundanes who use at least simple logic and reason seem contradictory but it isn't. Post-modernism allows for truth to exist in a superposition of many "truths" or anything the leftists wants to call "truths" at the same time. But unlike superposition in modern physics that collapse into one state when observed, Marx's cat can be not only dead and alive but in all intermediate states at the same time when the box is opened and the cat observed. The truth of post-modernism is that there is really no truth. The rank and file Marxist simply picks the one state of "truth" suitable for the moment that satisfies some emotional need or better highlights his virtue and the leadership picks the one that advances the Party's interests. So rather than puzzle things out, it's easier to do what any leftist does in this situation: Just to accept today's declaration of the hivemind on the matter and forget and deny the existence of what contradictory thing was declared true yesterday. Facts and reality be damned!
The only exception to the rule of hierarchy on the left where there is only one truth is in the matter of their enemies, i.e. anyone who disagrees even in the slightest with the dogmas of the One True Ideological religion. There is only one Devil of literally Hitler (with many faces) and his legion of witches and demons with their fixed moral character of pure evil and their insufferable fixation on fact based truthiness. And but one commandment on the matter to the faithful- Thou shalt not suffer a witch or their truth of empirical fact to live.
But all rules have exceptions to even the exceptions. Don't try to figure that out, just accept that sometimes the centrally planned and controlled mind of the leftist functions much like that of a of an OCD addled bureaucrat- all things must be categorized and sorted.
So three paragraphs of digression and annoyingly long sentences later we have not yet come to the topic of death? You'd think any blog with such a morbid and macabre title, this author would jump right into the subject of death. Hell, the damned blog should be a grisly exposition of moldering lichs and graveyards! What gives, caretaker!
Just warming you up, dear reader. Setting the table as it were with the rotted flesh of a decayed and intellectually dead ideology before we autopsy the subject at hand.
So today we have the latest apocalypse/fear porn craze sweeping not only the nation, but the world: corona virus COVID-19. It is a most contagious and deadly plague as if the medieval black plague had a love child with the Andromeda strain creating a microbial demon spawn. Even if you can't see the hospitals overflowing with the desperately ill and dead bodies littering the streets with your lying eyes, the computer models read by the high priests of expertise assure us they are there. If not outside the really cool graphics on their xbox models then in the soon to happen terrifying second (or maybe third) wave. And since this variant of a common cold virus is so incredibly murderous and evil, death by COVID-19 has been elevated into the most worstest form of death one can experience. Worse than gunshot wounds or climate change deaths at present. Orders of magnitude more horrifying than more mundane and unimportant forms of death that don't rate on the SJW scale.
So sometimes if the Devil is death, there can be worse forms of death for which the entire might of the Managerial State must be deployed against without a moment's delay. And all actions of the State are unquestionable otherwise such doubting miscreants who question diktats or ask for proof are guilty of being in league with the demon virus. They want grandma to die! The exception to the one Devil exception is when the previous devils of gun violence, racism and climate change failed to scare the masses enough for them to allow political leaders and bureaucrats to take plenary power.
This is where the constant changing reasons for lockdowns and moving of goalposts to end it makes sense. It's a Ruling Class who although at first, not seeing its potential, came to realize that this Wuhan flu is the crisis that should be exploited to the max. It's the perfect boogeyman in that it's not only a mysterious, invisible killer but it's a personal one that can strike any individual without warning or mercy. Or at least as mainstream media propaganda makes it out to be as even the CDC stats are starting to show it to be an average cold and flu season. And it worked beautifully.
Never since September 11, 2001 have Americans been so ready willing and eager to not only surrender more of their rights and freedoms, but even better: To slavishly wear masks and stay 6 feet from each other. Depersonalized, atomized as a community, treated like a child that cannot understand what is best for him and degraded in servile obedience. Even going so far as to spend their own money on masks and gloves for the honor and privilege of entering and spending their money in a store. They tolerate this disrespect from businesses because they're too scared of the invisible killer to remember such things as the customer is the lifeblood of a business and the customer is always right.
This is not because the government has made such extraordinary claims about how dangerous this virus is with extraordinary proof given but just because our betters simply said so. Most people did not ask one single question as to why this lockdown thing with the masks and distancing stuff which was never done before in prior pandemics was really necessary. Nor did they ask that government officials prove it would be effective. Nor did the government bother to prove it anyway. As this is now the absolute worst form of death, the masses simply did as they were told like good little peasants.
We will now have to live like feudal serfs, tied to our homes and only allowed out for only essential (by official expert government definition) reasons and we must wear face masks to show our unconditional fealty to our Master's commandments. Then it's as if we expect our Master's Experts will tell us that avoiding the most deadly form of death, we can live forever. That the average age of death from Wuhan flu or by some stretched definition is about 80 years old so one would assume that's the natural human lifespan but no. We cannot lose one precious otherwise immortal life or at least have grandma in hospice care live a few months more or the younger terminally ill get their full promised 6 months to a year to live. This would be just.....wrong!
Proof be damned and anyone who is skeptical and dares asks for proof, questioning his better government expert with "Doctor" as his first name is a denier and a heathen miscreant. A heretic who is evil and wants to kill someone's grandma and so must be unfriended and cast into the void forthwith. Probably a racist and white supremacist too.
We must never, ever question any government bureaucrat with "Doctor" as his first name as he is the anointed Infallible High Priest. Any other dissenting first name Doctor must be ignored as he is in league with the Wuhan demon virus and the great Orange Satan. Nothing must shake the faith of the progressive congregation in the official narrative of today's most worst form of death ever... until it is officially changed by the officially recognized authorities of the Great Hivemind.
So our autopsy of the rancid corpse of progressive liberalism is complete and the cause of death was denial of reality, hiding behind the authority of experts worshiped as gods and an idiotic submissiveness to a narrative and agenda. An agenda whose true purpose the rank-and-file progressive liberal/Social Justice Warrior himself does not or cannot understand. Nor can the SJW notice the contradictory narratives of the Wuhan demon virus precautions and the BLM/Antifa demonstrations and riots in which all COVID-19 rules and precautions are cancelled without explanation. It seems that only Black people can die when killed by white police officers which at least for the time being is now the most worst form of death.
One would think that anyone who really follows this cult would have a serious case of whiplash from following the rapid fire narrative changes and sharp about faces of "truth" but no. The faithful progs try ever harder to keep up. They're used to the multiple realities of Marx's cat and can reverse course at a moment's notice from huffpo. Yesterday's truth is quickly forgotten in light of today's new truth. Today's cause upon which the fate of the world hangs in the balance is serious until a new, even more super serious cause comes along. The worst form of death is the worst until the Masters decide a new form of death is even worse than that. The liberal prog and SJW simply nod and obey. They then engage in purity spirals among themselves to establish status and persecute the witches and heretics who are either outright skeptics or progs who aren't pure enough.
In the end, this COVID-19 Wuhan flu thing is a political abuse of expertise and science prostituted for a political and economic agenda. We hire an expert to give us their opinion but as rational adults, we also seek out other experts' opinions, then do our due diligence and research to decide which expert opinion cost/benefit would be best for us. There are those who are incompetent imbeciles who have no other choice than to look upon government experts as infallible authorities and need some demagogue to lead them. Unfortunately, this sort of cretin and their Masters are all too ubiquitous in modern society and their fears given too much credence by Joe and Jane Normie.
Conversely there are those like a certain blogger of my acquaintance who follows the worstest form of novel virus death because he is either a virtue signalling twat or a political rent boy hoping for his Master to upgrade him from a seat in a toy government community council to run for political office. Maybe both. Either way, his mindlessly following arbitrary rules with a born again fervor while hiding behind an appeal to authority is subservience veiled with gravity. This is the hallmark of a contemptible character. Just like all the others who slavishly follow these absurd rules.
Donald Cavaioli
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
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