Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July! The Bowery of 1930 colorized

What's the 4th of July without a little color? If not from fireworks then from a black and white photo from the summer of 1930 brought into color.

Haven't done any colorizing recently but some unavoidable lulls in an Edison-Bell model 433 cathedral radio (ca 1931) restoration had left some time for other projects. This being the Bowery around Chatham Square (I think) with the 3rd Avenue Elevated in the background being about the same time as the radio when new seemed a good fit. The original B&W I found on pinterest and traced it to this fairly good sized scan from

The RCA 9K3 which took up much of my time was finished and came out well-

Piping old time radio shows through this old girl sets a good mood for vintage photo colorizing.
Can't be all about politics.

Donald Cavaioli

Fear Response

On the internet, there is no end to conspiracy theories on any topic imaginable and there is no serious or concerted attempt made to censor ...