Of all the boogeymen that bedevil the left, and they are legion, maybe none are so terrifying as words that hurt liberal feelings. Inanimate objects are scary to progressives as they believe these things possess some kind of sentience and will and are able influence people to take actions they otherwise wouldn't do. Inanimate objects can be banned or torn down thus neutralizing the threat but words that emanate from the minds of the badthinker devils are demonic miasmas that like an incubus or succubus can drift into the minds of others, seduce them into heresies against the holy scriptures of Marx and Gramsci and cause progs who are exposed to wrongspeech much butthurt and badfeels. A recent example of a daemonic words is the term "illegal alien" which is now illegal in the People's Banana Empire of New York and is forbidden to be spelled or spoken lest evil spirits attack us.
Something must be done otherwise the unwashed masses will run around thinking and saying whatever they please without the imprimatur of their betters and dare disturb the angels of fragile sensitivity! To the rescue of delicate snowflake feelings and bumptious liberal sensibilities come the proposed red flag laws.
These red flag proposals are ostensibly to curb this alleged meteoric rise in "white nationalist" or "white supremacist" shootings of which the bad thoughts incubus can be blamed for awakening the innate racism, unspecified hatreds and delusions of white supremacy that lie dormant in the dark recesses of every white person's mind.
Much of the red flags will be based on psychic evidence of the culprit's future criminal actions but our elites and ruling class lords will be declaring any dissident from the correct and proper way of thought and action as prescribed by our progressive liberal betters as a mad man. After all, who could be against the future just and equalitarian, centrally planned and managed utopia our rulers are busy bringing to completion? Any such dissident must therefore be completely insane. It just stands to reason, doesn't it.
People afflicted with schizophrenia who lack the ability or the help of family or friends to care for them are allowed to live on and wander the streets because it's justice, somehow. It is further assumed by the Great Liberal Minds of Social Justice that schizophrenics and others with psychological disabilities will never attempt to obtain a firearm as that would just be crazy. That they might use a knife is considered irrelevant as a knife would not kill the victim as dead as a gun would.
However those insane badthinkers who once would have been considered normal, law abiding citizens, will be relieved of any firearms they might own and remanded to the care of psychiatrists who will dose them with all sorts of miracle psychtropic drugs until the dangerous lunatic is catatonic and thus neutralized. No more edgy internet posts and humorous memes poking fun at social justice warriors to dare disturb the precious angels of the left.
Donald Cavaioli
It should be noted by all readers that this writer did not use the term "illegal alien" to deride or impugn the honor an integrity of any people of any race, creed or national origin who against federal immigration laws have entered the United States. This writer does not intend to violate any laws of New York and if the term "illegal alien" is illegal, then I shall not use it in any way other than to illustrate how wrong it is to use such a nasty, hurtful term as "illegal alien".
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Red/Blue Uniparty Opposes Foreign Aid Cuts
This has been sitting in draft for quite a while. It's an oldie but a goodie.
From: Yahoo News- Senators blast 'insane' Trump plan for aid cuts, seek Venezuela plan
Yet another dreary article about the bad Orange man and his latest outrage against the prerogatives established ruling order with the usual comments by the rabbity NPCs of their incessant bleats of "Orange Man bad" and "you is a Russian agent" to those who challenge them.
The ruling class of the supranational body that calls itself "the United States of America" now does not even bother to hide its contempt, if not outright hatred, for the loyal heritage and stock Americans whose labor provides the tax monies upon which these managerial parasites subsist.
It's bad enough that our betters view the money we earn not as our money, but the government's money that they grudgingly allow us to keep a portion of. Worse that politicians and bureaucrats get angry at us for not appreciating this but an intolerable hubris that these managerial creatures feel spending our money on foreign countries is of greater importance than either spending it on ourselves or saving the money. Gaia forbid that the government let us uppity peasants forget our lowly station and attempt to tell our betters what to do.
Besides, it would anger the lobbyists for foreign governments and the donors that our political class depend on for campaign cash, free trips and other goodies. Never let it be said that when you bribe an American politician that he does not come through on his end of the quid pro quo because that would be unethical.
Seriously though, since the end of world war 2, U.S. cold war foreign policy was predicated on what can only be called bribery to make friends and allies around the world. Giving other countries sweetheart trade deals and cold cash in foreign aid was how the U.S. kept those countries out of the Soviet sphere. But with managerial bureaucracy as large as the federal government, it develops a certain momentum from its tremendous mass that makes it next to impossible for the bureaucracy change direction as the situation changes. As there is no more Soviet Union to compete against in the world arena it should cause the State Department to re-asses its positions on trade policies and foreign aid grants but it doesn't. After more than three generations of older permanent bureaucrats telling the new, incoming bureaucrats how foreign policy is done, the reasoning behind the policies becomes lost in the mists of time. The policies are the way they are because that's how it was always done. It is time for the State Department to finally realize that the cold war is over and that in the new globalist order, the U.S. government must do the job it was hired by the people to do which is representing our best interests over the interests of foreign governments and foreign peoples.
One can only hope President Trump will be more resolute in addressing this matter.
Donald Cavaioli
From: Yahoo News- Senators blast 'insane' Trump plan for aid cuts, seek Venezuela plan
Yet another dreary article about the bad Orange man and his latest outrage against the prerogatives established ruling order with the usual comments by the rabbity NPCs of their incessant bleats of "Orange Man bad" and "you is a Russian agent" to those who challenge them.
The ruling class of the supranational body that calls itself "the United States of America" now does not even bother to hide its contempt, if not outright hatred, for the loyal heritage and stock Americans whose labor provides the tax monies upon which these managerial parasites subsist.
It's bad enough that our betters view the money we earn not as our money, but the government's money that they grudgingly allow us to keep a portion of. Worse that politicians and bureaucrats get angry at us for not appreciating this but an intolerable hubris that these managerial creatures feel spending our money on foreign countries is of greater importance than either spending it on ourselves or saving the money. Gaia forbid that the government let us uppity peasants forget our lowly station and attempt to tell our betters what to do.
Besides, it would anger the lobbyists for foreign governments and the donors that our political class depend on for campaign cash, free trips and other goodies. Never let it be said that when you bribe an American politician that he does not come through on his end of the quid pro quo because that would be unethical.
Seriously though, since the end of world war 2, U.S. cold war foreign policy was predicated on what can only be called bribery to make friends and allies around the world. Giving other countries sweetheart trade deals and cold cash in foreign aid was how the U.S. kept those countries out of the Soviet sphere. But with managerial bureaucracy as large as the federal government, it develops a certain momentum from its tremendous mass that makes it next to impossible for the bureaucracy change direction as the situation changes. As there is no more Soviet Union to compete against in the world arena it should cause the State Department to re-asses its positions on trade policies and foreign aid grants but it doesn't. After more than three generations of older permanent bureaucrats telling the new, incoming bureaucrats how foreign policy is done, the reasoning behind the policies becomes lost in the mists of time. The policies are the way they are because that's how it was always done. It is time for the State Department to finally realize that the cold war is over and that in the new globalist order, the U.S. government must do the job it was hired by the people to do which is representing our best interests over the interests of foreign governments and foreign peoples.
One can only hope President Trump will be more resolute in addressing this matter.
Donald Cavaioli
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
In New York, Reporting a Certain Crime is Against the Law
Just when it cannot be imagined that New York cannot do anything else as a further outrage against common sense and reason, the sick and twisted degenerates of progressive liberalism plum new depths of insanity. So now, calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement to report an illegal alien is, well, illegal here in the People's Banana Empire. Even to call an illegal alien an illegal alien here in our Banana Empire is illegal. This begs the question if our divine Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm I who in his mortal guise we know as Bill De blasio will arrest the U.S. Congress for allowing the term "illegal alien" in federal documents and forms?
From QNS: Jamaica landlord becomes first to be fined for threatening to call ICE on tenant article by Max Parrott, written Tuesday, September, 24, 2019
The illegal alien is now cherished and adored by the local ruling class and elite such that in addition to getting access to freestuff like medicaide, EBT, and other welfare programs. Illegals also enjoy such privileges as being eligible for a NYS driver's licenses, the official protection of the sanctuary city and state and being counted the same as a citizen on the federal census and who knows, soon being openly able to vote in our elections instead of on the down-low. But it's not enough gifts paid for by citizens for our betters to shower upon their favorite pets who keep cheap slave labor and cheap sex industry (prostitutes) workers of questionable age great and at a very reasonable cost.
No, comrades, much more must be done that we the plebs must pay for either in taxes or fines and legal fees in this latest demented law. I can't imagine or wait to see what new gifts our masters will see fit to bestow upon their new favorite slaves, can you?
On a more serious note, hopefully the landlord will successfully appeal this abomination of a "human rights" law and if there is any sanity left in our courts, have it overturned. It was not too far back in a saner time in our history when Americans still had some pride in themselves and a backbone, that there would have been politicians and bureaucrats tarred and feathered if they would have had the hubris to pass and the audacity to enforce this abortion of a law. In a saner age, politicians and bureaucrats would have known better not to and would never have dared this.
To those of you who went through the process of obtaining legal permanent resident or naturalized citizenship status: What a bunch of dumb fools you were for waiting in line like schlubs, filling out all that paperwork, the photographs and fingerprints, the background check and of course, the application fees. But your betters thank you for the money and taxes and look forward to increasing them on you...suckers!
From QNS: Jamaica landlord becomes first to be fined for threatening to call ICE on tenant article by Max Parrott, written Tuesday, September, 24, 2019
The illegal alien is now cherished and adored by the local ruling class and elite such that in addition to getting access to freestuff like medicaide, EBT, and other welfare programs. Illegals also enjoy such privileges as being eligible for a NYS driver's licenses, the official protection of the sanctuary city and state and being counted the same as a citizen on the federal census and who knows, soon being openly able to vote in our elections instead of on the down-low. But it's not enough gifts paid for by citizens for our betters to shower upon their favorite pets who keep cheap slave labor and cheap sex industry (prostitutes) workers of questionable age great and at a very reasonable cost.
No, comrades, much more must be done that we the plebs must pay for either in taxes or fines and legal fees in this latest demented law. I can't imagine or wait to see what new gifts our masters will see fit to bestow upon their new favorite slaves, can you?
On a more serious note, hopefully the landlord will successfully appeal this abomination of a "human rights" law and if there is any sanity left in our courts, have it overturned. It was not too far back in a saner time in our history when Americans still had some pride in themselves and a backbone, that there would have been politicians and bureaucrats tarred and feathered if they would have had the hubris to pass and the audacity to enforce this abortion of a law. In a saner age, politicians and bureaucrats would have known better not to and would never have dared this.
To those of you who went through the process of obtaining legal permanent resident or naturalized citizenship status: What a bunch of dumb fools you were for waiting in line like schlubs, filling out all that paperwork, the photographs and fingerprints, the background check and of course, the application fees. But your betters thank you for the money and taxes and look forward to increasing them on you...suckers!
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Social Justice War on Chocolate Milk
The average progressive liberal is a most angry, bitter and miserable creature. This is to be expected of these pharisaical neo-puritans whose self-appointed burden it is to guide the unwashed masses to a properly grim, spartan life of soul-crushing blandness and deprivation so that they may both save the Earth and enter the Marxian heaven of perfect equality and social justice. It is a disagreeable task and these are the disagreeable people to do it. Not that the elites or ruling class have to live in such poor circumstances as they are already saved and are necessary to the unpleasant task of building this utopia. It will hurt the rest of us more than it'll hurt our masters but no pain for the rest of us, no gain for them.
So here's a tidbit from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle where Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams feels that forcing school children to have meatless, bland, soy based vegan lunches isn't stoically bland enough but that children can no longer have chocolate milk as well. Too much sugar, like enjoying one's life too much, makes for weak future socialist drones.
The BP wants chocolate milk out of public schools, September 20, 2019 by Kelly Mena
So here's a tidbit from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle where Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams feels that forcing school children to have meatless, bland, soy based vegan lunches isn't stoically bland enough but that children can no longer have chocolate milk as well. Too much sugar, like enjoying one's life too much, makes for weak future socialist drones.
The BP wants chocolate milk out of public schools, September 20, 2019 by Kelly Mena
And while you're at it Eric, CANCEL CHRISTMAS TOO!
Donald Cavaioli
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Did the U.S. Constitution really fail?
The subject of is the U.S. constitution a good paradigm of government, is it too restrictive of government power, does it address modern problems or is it a failure is a subject that makes the rounds of chattering class circles on both the left and the right. And the answer from most on the extremes of both left and right is yes. But is it really?
The answer can only be no, the constitution in and of itself did not fail. For the constitution is itself only a piece of paper with words written on it. The constitution does not have any agency nor is it able to influence people by its own will. For anyone on the right to think this way, shame on you, you're imparting sentience and moral agency to an inanimate object just as leftists do. In the end, a piece of paper with words written on it means something when the people whose actions it is intended to provide guidelines and/or limits for willingly obey what is written thereupon.
The constitution is therefore like any other law, rule or regulation, meaningless if it is disobeyed with the culprits not held accountable. To claim it failed because the present managerial state routinely finds ways to either circumvent it or outright disobey it and therefore should be abolished is as silly as saying for instance, that because people commit murders, the laws against murder have failed and should be rescinded. It means that those who violate the constitution should be held accountable, the responsibility for which rests in the end with the American people. The constitution did not fail, we did.
One problem is how many of us have forgotten that elected representatives are our employees, hired to represent us and our best interests at home and abroad, not foreign nationals or foreign governments. Too many Americans act as if their representatives are their boss and not the other way around or worse, treat politicians as if they were celebrities or rock stars. If you let any employee get away with not doing their jobs, pilfering the business and treating the boss with contempt, then it should be no wonder if the business eventually fails.
We need to remember that we are the bosses and make our elected representatives respect us, not the donors and lobbyists. It is we who pull the lever at the polls in greater numbers than the donors or lobbyists so let's remember that they are not as all powerful an influence in elections as anyone may imagine.
To claim the constitution does not reflect modern values and conditions and is unable to stop the advance of the left's overthrow of the bill of right is simply the childish whine of "it's not perfect, mommy take it away!" This is simple minded utopianism, or a way to deflect responsibility or an underhanded scheme to impose some other form of government. The framework itself is sound for a representative republic and the amendment process suffices to meet and address modern issues. Anything else is simply pure intellectual and moral laziness.
The fault lies not only with we the people of today, but of generations past who in turn gradually traded liberties in return for the care and freestuff of the nanny state. A government to take care of us and see to all our needs but failing to see the danger of unchecked power in too few hands. Being blind to the fact that a government that gives you all you have can likewise take it all away.
The remedy however, lies with us and our descendants for we didn't get into this fix overnight and it will take some generations to rectify. Are we as a people going to give up and allow the managerial state to grow until it collapses under its own weight or are we going to take positive action by electing political leaders who will follow the constitution and govern according to our founding principles. Are we going to hold our elected leaders accountable at the ballot box and demand the gradual reduction of the managerial state to a more manageable size? Do we have the will and character to reduce the welfare state to a minimum, reject the precautionary principle and accept more personal responsibility for ourselves? Will we insist judges read the laws and amendments as written instead of finding magical penumbras, emanations or auras through some alchemy as a cynical cover for ruling as they wish with no accountability or check on judicial activism or otherwise demand their removal?
As a free people, citizens of a republic, are we going to assert ourselves as the owners and operators of this country or do we feebly cry about the failure of a piece of paper to protect us and hope someone else comes to our rescue? It's a long, hard road to recover and reclaim our country and it will never be perfect but it can be better than what we have today as it had been before the excesses of the progressive era and the New Deal.
The choice is ours.
Donald Cavaioli
The answer can only be no, the constitution in and of itself did not fail. For the constitution is itself only a piece of paper with words written on it. The constitution does not have any agency nor is it able to influence people by its own will. For anyone on the right to think this way, shame on you, you're imparting sentience and moral agency to an inanimate object just as leftists do. In the end, a piece of paper with words written on it means something when the people whose actions it is intended to provide guidelines and/or limits for willingly obey what is written thereupon.
The constitution is therefore like any other law, rule or regulation, meaningless if it is disobeyed with the culprits not held accountable. To claim it failed because the present managerial state routinely finds ways to either circumvent it or outright disobey it and therefore should be abolished is as silly as saying for instance, that because people commit murders, the laws against murder have failed and should be rescinded. It means that those who violate the constitution should be held accountable, the responsibility for which rests in the end with the American people. The constitution did not fail, we did.
One problem is how many of us have forgotten that elected representatives are our employees, hired to represent us and our best interests at home and abroad, not foreign nationals or foreign governments. Too many Americans act as if their representatives are their boss and not the other way around or worse, treat politicians as if they were celebrities or rock stars. If you let any employee get away with not doing their jobs, pilfering the business and treating the boss with contempt, then it should be no wonder if the business eventually fails.
We need to remember that we are the bosses and make our elected representatives respect us, not the donors and lobbyists. It is we who pull the lever at the polls in greater numbers than the donors or lobbyists so let's remember that they are not as all powerful an influence in elections as anyone may imagine.
To claim the constitution does not reflect modern values and conditions and is unable to stop the advance of the left's overthrow of the bill of right is simply the childish whine of "it's not perfect, mommy take it away!" This is simple minded utopianism, or a way to deflect responsibility or an underhanded scheme to impose some other form of government. The framework itself is sound for a representative republic and the amendment process suffices to meet and address modern issues. Anything else is simply pure intellectual and moral laziness.
The fault lies not only with we the people of today, but of generations past who in turn gradually traded liberties in return for the care and freestuff of the nanny state. A government to take care of us and see to all our needs but failing to see the danger of unchecked power in too few hands. Being blind to the fact that a government that gives you all you have can likewise take it all away.
The remedy however, lies with us and our descendants for we didn't get into this fix overnight and it will take some generations to rectify. Are we as a people going to give up and allow the managerial state to grow until it collapses under its own weight or are we going to take positive action by electing political leaders who will follow the constitution and govern according to our founding principles. Are we going to hold our elected leaders accountable at the ballot box and demand the gradual reduction of the managerial state to a more manageable size? Do we have the will and character to reduce the welfare state to a minimum, reject the precautionary principle and accept more personal responsibility for ourselves? Will we insist judges read the laws and amendments as written instead of finding magical penumbras, emanations or auras through some alchemy as a cynical cover for ruling as they wish with no accountability or check on judicial activism or otherwise demand their removal?
As a free people, citizens of a republic, are we going to assert ourselves as the owners and operators of this country or do we feebly cry about the failure of a piece of paper to protect us and hope someone else comes to our rescue? It's a long, hard road to recover and reclaim our country and it will never be perfect but it can be better than what we have today as it had been before the excesses of the progressive era and the New Deal.
The choice is ours.
Donald Cavaioli
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Badthinkers Beware, Big Brother is Watching! The Squires of New York Have Decreed Certain Race/Ethnicities and Criticism of Illegal Immigration to be Racist and Anti-New York
From The City: ANTI-NEW YORK WHITE SUPREMACIST HATE IS RISING, NYPD SAYS by Greg B. Smith on August 14, 2019
In the latest example of anarcho-tyranny, the NYPD, our glorious guardians of progressive leftist-democracy, the defenders of the People's Banana Republic of New York, although unable to quell real, actual shootings have instead decided to focus on imaginary crimes with a vigor and ferocity they would never dare against real violent criminals. That would be racist, white supremacist and whatever other fill-in-the-blank-o-phobic shaming language is in style today. At least this is the official policy of the NYPD brass, those most servile lap dogs of the progressive leftist establishment desperate to curry favor with their political masters.
The NYPD brass as managerial state apparatchiks know as well as their political masters that imaginary problems are much easier to solve than real problems and with less risk of failure. So when there are mass shootings in Brownsville or East New York, the managerial state whelps whimper whine helplessly but when "White Nationalism" rears it's ugly head in the form of edgy internet posts and memes, no real incidents of white devil violence here in NYC, the gentle lap dog like magic, transforms into the fiercest, snarling cur.
[Photo from The City article 08/14/2019 by Greg B. Smith cited above, photo taken from Jimmy Van Bramer tweet posted on twitter Oct. 7, 2018 1:18pm]
From the above photo anyone thoroughly indoctrinated in liberal emotive newspeak, which is to say any social justice warrior or lying politician here in the People's Banana Empire of New York can easily translate into prog: Reporting illegal aliens with no mention of any particular race or national origin to Immigration and Customs Enforcement causes bad feels, is written by the devil and really means white people hate "people of color" because of reasons. The human trafficking for our cheap labor neo-slave trade must not be questioned let alone stopped. So Something must be done right this instance to put these uppity white proles back in their place by virtually burning a few heretics at the i-stake and throwing a few into jail. How dare the people who posted this flyer question their betters!
So here we are now in our glorious People's Banana Empire planning on arresting people based only on their political or social views because they might be plotting to kill people. Even if there is no threat stated or even slightly implied. Shades of Minority Report sans the psychics and going only on some SJW's hurt feelings. Precautionary principle without a limiting principle spiraling us into the abyss of totalitarianism.
Besides punishment of naturally racist and evil white people, it's a diversion from shootings in the hood the NYPD can't or won't address lest they be called racists. Doing the job a P.O. is called to, even doing it according to the patrol guide and training is no protection from a suspect with high diversity/victim pokemon points dying in custody from health related problems. As police officers on the street get more into trouble based on liberal political criteria for the things they do than the things they don't do, it's better career advice to only enforce minor offenses or political crimes. I can't blame the white shield foot soldiers for taking this tact no matter how wrong and disagreeable I find it.
Then there are the howls of outrage from the usual and expected identity/grievance progressives which are joined by the howls of outrage by libertarians, alt and dissident right types. Although nominally race realists, the people on the right, the people the average cop would assume to give him at least the benefit of the doubt, have a built-in dislike for all law enforcement and will happily join the left in calling for a cop's blood in any controversy. When you have no friends to the left or right or behind you, only devils, then there's no other choice than to go with the devil you know. It's the path of least resistance.
But the real culprits are the political establishment who for ideological reasons refuse to deal with real people who cause real problems either out of fear of being called racist or who have really drank deeply of the equalitarian, tabula rasa kool aid. The police department is a creature of the executive political establishment and as designed reflects the agenda of the mayor. Civilian control of law enforcement or the military through elected mayors, governors and presidents is desirable in a constitutionally limited republic or democratic society as in theory, the people have ultimate control over whom they elect and what policies are enacted. However as the size and scope of bureaucratic government grows into the managerial state, the people as constituents become further isolated from having direct power over the direction of official policy.
Further, as the people, seeking security through less personal responsibility by allowing managerial government to become the nanny state not only loses control over public policy but completely and voluntarily abdicates it to their elected leaders and managerial apparatchiks. Then there comes the politically connected grifters with solutions in search of a problem or big ideas to solve public problems payed for by the tax payers. Some of whom get caught only when they go too far in their skimming or fall out of favor with their political and bureaucratic patrons. Many are not well publicized and operate just below the vision of the public at large.
The police uniformed members of the service at the rank of captain whose promotion to higher rank is by appointment of the mayor will echo the mayors policy. The captains and above as well as the ranks lower can rationalize this unconstitutional and un-American criminalizing of free speech as the people of New York City have elected these people as the mayor and city council, these policies must be what the people who pay their salaries want and they as public servants are obligated to follow. Besides, maybe Phaemon's dog was right after all.
One can only hope that the police officers involved in this ridiculous witch hunt will see how wrong this is and do the "civil servant" thing of cheering it on so as to be seen as being "on the C.O.'s team" while only pretending to carry out directives. Otherwise our constitution will be finally and fully overthrown with the arrest of dissidents as purely political prisoners. Welcome to the future as a third world, one party, totalitarian dictatorship.
Donald Cavaioli
In the latest example of anarcho-tyranny, the NYPD, our glorious guardians of progressive leftist-democracy, the defenders of the People's Banana Republic of New York, although unable to quell real, actual shootings have instead decided to focus on imaginary crimes with a vigor and ferocity they would never dare against real violent criminals. That would be racist, white supremacist and whatever other fill-in-the-blank-o-phobic shaming language is in style today. At least this is the official policy of the NYPD brass, those most servile lap dogs of the progressive leftist establishment desperate to curry favor with their political masters.
The NYPD brass as managerial state apparatchiks know as well as their political masters that imaginary problems are much easier to solve than real problems and with less risk of failure. So when there are mass shootings in Brownsville or East New York, the managerial state whelps whimper whine helplessly but when "White Nationalism" rears it's ugly head in the form of edgy internet posts and memes, no real incidents of white devil violence here in NYC, the gentle lap dog like magic, transforms into the fiercest, snarling cur.
[Photo from The City article 08/14/2019 by Greg B. Smith cited above, photo taken from Jimmy Van Bramer tweet posted on twitter Oct. 7, 2018 1:18pm]
From the above photo anyone thoroughly indoctrinated in liberal emotive newspeak, which is to say any social justice warrior or lying politician here in the People's Banana Empire of New York can easily translate into prog: Reporting illegal aliens with no mention of any particular race or national origin to Immigration and Customs Enforcement causes bad feels, is written by the devil and really means white people hate "people of color" because of reasons. The human trafficking for our cheap labor neo-slave trade must not be questioned let alone stopped. So Something must be done right this instance to put these uppity white proles back in their place by virtually burning a few heretics at the i-stake and throwing a few into jail. How dare the people who posted this flyer question their betters!
So here we are now in our glorious People's Banana Empire planning on arresting people based only on their political or social views because they might be plotting to kill people. Even if there is no threat stated or even slightly implied. Shades of Minority Report sans the psychics and going only on some SJW's hurt feelings. Precautionary principle without a limiting principle spiraling us into the abyss of totalitarianism.
Besides punishment of naturally racist and evil white people, it's a diversion from shootings in the hood the NYPD can't or won't address lest they be called racists. Doing the job a P.O. is called to, even doing it according to the patrol guide and training is no protection from a suspect with high diversity/victim pokemon points dying in custody from health related problems. As police officers on the street get more into trouble based on liberal political criteria for the things they do than the things they don't do, it's better career advice to only enforce minor offenses or political crimes. I can't blame the white shield foot soldiers for taking this tact no matter how wrong and disagreeable I find it.
Then there are the howls of outrage from the usual and expected identity/grievance progressives which are joined by the howls of outrage by libertarians, alt and dissident right types. Although nominally race realists, the people on the right, the people the average cop would assume to give him at least the benefit of the doubt, have a built-in dislike for all law enforcement and will happily join the left in calling for a cop's blood in any controversy. When you have no friends to the left or right or behind you, only devils, then there's no other choice than to go with the devil you know. It's the path of least resistance.
But the real culprits are the political establishment who for ideological reasons refuse to deal with real people who cause real problems either out of fear of being called racist or who have really drank deeply of the equalitarian, tabula rasa kool aid. The police department is a creature of the executive political establishment and as designed reflects the agenda of the mayor. Civilian control of law enforcement or the military through elected mayors, governors and presidents is desirable in a constitutionally limited republic or democratic society as in theory, the people have ultimate control over whom they elect and what policies are enacted. However as the size and scope of bureaucratic government grows into the managerial state, the people as constituents become further isolated from having direct power over the direction of official policy.
Further, as the people, seeking security through less personal responsibility by allowing managerial government to become the nanny state not only loses control over public policy but completely and voluntarily abdicates it to their elected leaders and managerial apparatchiks. Then there comes the politically connected grifters with solutions in search of a problem or big ideas to solve public problems payed for by the tax payers. Some of whom get caught only when they go too far in their skimming or fall out of favor with their political and bureaucratic patrons. Many are not well publicized and operate just below the vision of the public at large.
The police uniformed members of the service at the rank of captain whose promotion to higher rank is by appointment of the mayor will echo the mayors policy. The captains and above as well as the ranks lower can rationalize this unconstitutional and un-American criminalizing of free speech as the people of New York City have elected these people as the mayor and city council, these policies must be what the people who pay their salaries want and they as public servants are obligated to follow. Besides, maybe Phaemon's dog was right after all.
One can only hope that the police officers involved in this ridiculous witch hunt will see how wrong this is and do the "civil servant" thing of cheering it on so as to be seen as being "on the C.O.'s team" while only pretending to carry out directives. Otherwise our constitution will be finally and fully overthrown with the arrest of dissidents as purely political prisoners. Welcome to the future as a third world, one party, totalitarian dictatorship.
Donald Cavaioli
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The People's Republic of China and Hong Kong the Special Administrative region: One Country, Two Systems- A House Divided Against Itself
"A house divided against itself, cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South."
Abraham Lincoln, June 16, 1858
A similar situation exists between the People's Republic of China and the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong the inherent contradiction of which has sparked a series of demonstrations and protests over the last 14 weeks which have started to become violent. With the main protest group, Demosisto's rejection of Carrie Lam's withdrawal of the extradition bill on September 4, it may well head towards an independence movement. That the Hong Kong police, accused by demonstrators of overreaction and police brutality, have fired warning shots in the air but so far have not shot any demonstrators still makes the situation dicey. So the "Boston massacre"* phase which would have hardened positions on both sides, but providing a stronger popular rallying position for the protesters, has come close but not yet reached despite an incident of a demonstrator eye injury during police use of tear gas. It is still as of yet unlikely but if matters continue to progress along the current path the odds will greatly increase. However, even if this benchmark is passed, considering the asymmetrical situation of arms and resources between the PRC and Hong Kongers, "the shot heard 'round the world" phase will remain very unlikely. As an aside, if the unlikely were hypothetically to occur, my usually 80% accurate 5G crystal ball isn't getting a clear signal but what does show most likely failure with only a little likelihood of success at this time with this method. It would be a tragic mistake and should be avoided.
*From my previous post Interesting Times in Hong Kong where I drew some parallels between the earlier phases of the American revolution and the present events in Hong Kong.
What is clear from the previously linked BBC article about four sections down is that about 89% of Hong Kongers do not see themselves as Chinese (people of the PRC) which is the genesis of a separate national identity and the prime ingredient of nationalism. People generally do not like to be ruled over by those whom they view as foreigners even if those rulers are of the same race as the ruled. This is essentially the history of Europe and the United States.
But despite Joshua Wong's assurances that Hong Kong is still a part of China, his calls for universal suffrage insofar as being able to freely elect all candidates for seats in the Legislative Council and its Chief Executive, events will take their own course. It could try to continue with a separate autonomous region in perpetuity which would be a hard and difficult concession to get from Beijing or would open a window for separatists to vote for either offering a referendum on Hong Kong independence if not a peaceful declaration of independence.
There wouldn't appear to be any other alternative.
If there is a significant percentage of Hong Kongers who participated in, or tacitly supported a protest over one criminal extradition bill, think of how they're going to like being fully integrated into the PRC political and legal system in 2047, 28 years away. Joshua Wong and the demonstrators today will be in their late 40's to early 50's and still in the prime of life. It is not possible Wong or any of the others in Demosisto to be fools enough to believe that if they get universal suffrage now that it will still be in effect on July 2, 2048. The Chinese Communist Party are not the sort of people who tolerate citizens who dissent from or want to debate official government policy as would happen in a democratic Hong Kong. The communist system would have to collapse first as had happened to the Soviet Union for Hong Kong to have a permanent democratic form of government which for the foreseeable future is not likely.
As Lincoln said in the opening quote of this post, a house divided against itself cannot stand as it will either become all of one side or the other. History has shown this to be inevitable in the face of public discontent between the opposing sides. Hong Kong will either be fully integrated into the PRC and become like any other city in China or it will be independent. There can be no third way that would last for long.
Ex hic civi Americanum ut Demonsistus, ego vos salutant et forti animi tibi bene vollo.
Donald Cavaioli
Abraham Lincoln, June 16, 1858
A similar situation exists between the People's Republic of China and the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong the inherent contradiction of which has sparked a series of demonstrations and protests over the last 14 weeks which have started to become violent. With the main protest group, Demosisto's rejection of Carrie Lam's withdrawal of the extradition bill on September 4, it may well head towards an independence movement. That the Hong Kong police, accused by demonstrators of overreaction and police brutality, have fired warning shots in the air but so far have not shot any demonstrators still makes the situation dicey. So the "Boston massacre"* phase which would have hardened positions on both sides, but providing a stronger popular rallying position for the protesters, has come close but not yet reached despite an incident of a demonstrator eye injury during police use of tear gas. It is still as of yet unlikely but if matters continue to progress along the current path the odds will greatly increase. However, even if this benchmark is passed, considering the asymmetrical situation of arms and resources between the PRC and Hong Kongers, "the shot heard 'round the world" phase will remain very unlikely. As an aside, if the unlikely were hypothetically to occur, my usually 80% accurate 5G crystal ball isn't getting a clear signal but what does show most likely failure with only a little likelihood of success at this time with this method. It would be a tragic mistake and should be avoided.
*From my previous post Interesting Times in Hong Kong where I drew some parallels between the earlier phases of the American revolution and the present events in Hong Kong.
What is clear from the previously linked BBC article about four sections down is that about 89% of Hong Kongers do not see themselves as Chinese (people of the PRC) which is the genesis of a separate national identity and the prime ingredient of nationalism. People generally do not like to be ruled over by those whom they view as foreigners even if those rulers are of the same race as the ruled. This is essentially the history of Europe and the United States.
But despite Joshua Wong's assurances that Hong Kong is still a part of China, his calls for universal suffrage insofar as being able to freely elect all candidates for seats in the Legislative Council and its Chief Executive, events will take their own course. It could try to continue with a separate autonomous region in perpetuity which would be a hard and difficult concession to get from Beijing or would open a window for separatists to vote for either offering a referendum on Hong Kong independence if not a peaceful declaration of independence.
There wouldn't appear to be any other alternative.
If there is a significant percentage of Hong Kongers who participated in, or tacitly supported a protest over one criminal extradition bill, think of how they're going to like being fully integrated into the PRC political and legal system in 2047, 28 years away. Joshua Wong and the demonstrators today will be in their late 40's to early 50's and still in the prime of life. It is not possible Wong or any of the others in Demosisto to be fools enough to believe that if they get universal suffrage now that it will still be in effect on July 2, 2048. The Chinese Communist Party are not the sort of people who tolerate citizens who dissent from or want to debate official government policy as would happen in a democratic Hong Kong. The communist system would have to collapse first as had happened to the Soviet Union for Hong Kong to have a permanent democratic form of government which for the foreseeable future is not likely.
As Lincoln said in the opening quote of this post, a house divided against itself cannot stand as it will either become all of one side or the other. History has shown this to be inevitable in the face of public discontent between the opposing sides. Hong Kong will either be fully integrated into the PRC and become like any other city in China or it will be independent. There can be no third way that would last for long.
Ex hic civi Americanum ut Demonsistus, ego vos salutant et forti animi tibi bene vollo.
Donald Cavaioli
Thursday, September 12, 2019
So at last count there are 10 draft posts backlogged in the receiving vault in varying states of completion awaiting final form. Why put off until tomorrow that which we may procrastinate on later as the Caretaker is fond of saying.
Some upcoming posts include topics like current events in Hong Kong, a dissection of the Jeffery Epstein murder conspiracy, the relationship between corporations and the managerial state and of course, some fun jabs at the foibles, idiocy and pure silliness of our local political prats. Especially a local grocer-turned politician who in his spare time is not only an electrical engineer, expert on power generation and grids but an epidemiologist who is is in line for a good (figurative) boot up the arse. Not Sandy the Barmaid Ocasio-Cortez and Bill "Kaiser Wilhelm" De blasio. One should refrain from making fun of people with disabilities. Besides, they're boring. But note to the Pointman, Sandy coming in at 5th place in the 2018 Prat Awards was a miscarriage of justice. She should have at least scored in 3rd place not in 5th behind that washed up old hag, Merkel. And if our Sandy doesn't take first by a mile for the 2019 Pratties with the Green New Deal, then that's totally bogus, call foul on the judges and I shall demand the judges forthwith be flogged for being innumerate, blind or simply biased twats.
Enough of that.
But here just to post something new and different is another of my colorized photos of a Peter Witt car on Myrtle Ave and Adams Ave in Brooklyn, dated 4/22/1947. The original B&W photo was from www.nycsubway.org hidden away under world then around NYC with the other trolley photos.
Donald Cavaioli
Some upcoming posts include topics like current events in Hong Kong, a dissection of the Jeffery Epstein murder conspiracy, the relationship between corporations and the managerial state and of course, some fun jabs at the foibles, idiocy and pure silliness of our local political prats. Especially a local grocer-turned politician who in his spare time is not only an electrical engineer, expert on power generation and grids but an epidemiologist who is is in line for a good (figurative) boot up the arse. Not Sandy the Barmaid Ocasio-Cortez and Bill "Kaiser Wilhelm" De blasio. One should refrain from making fun of people with disabilities. Besides, they're boring. But note to the Pointman, Sandy coming in at 5th place in the 2018 Prat Awards was a miscarriage of justice. She should have at least scored in 3rd place not in 5th behind that washed up old hag, Merkel. And if our Sandy doesn't take first by a mile for the 2019 Pratties with the Green New Deal, then that's totally bogus, call foul on the judges and I shall demand the judges forthwith be flogged for being innumerate, blind or simply biased twats.
Enough of that.
But here just to post something new and different is another of my colorized photos of a Peter Witt car on Myrtle Ave and Adams Ave in Brooklyn, dated 4/22/1947. The original B&W photo was from www.nycsubway.org hidden away under world then around NYC with the other trolley photos.
Donald Cavaioli
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Good News for Flushing Meadows Corona Park New York State Pavilion
At long last, after 54 years of neglect Parks Department of NY has finally found the will and funding to start a restoration of the New York State pavilion observation towers from the 1964-65 New York World's Fair at Flushing Meadows Corona park.
From QNS: Parks to begin restoration of observation towers at New York State Pavilion in Flushing Meadows Corona Park by Mark Hallum, Wednesday September 11, 2019
More information on the New York State pavilion can be found here and here.
Donald Cavaioli
Sunday, September 8, 2019
New York City Fights Opioid Addiction Crisis By Giving Addicts Greater Access to Drugs
From the who in the hell comes up with this stupid shit, how can this idea make any rational sense but it does in a corrupt way files here is the latest addition: Courtesy of that New York Democrat Party organ, your source for official progressive goodthinker propaganda, the Gotham Gazette:
In Opioid Fight, City Expands Access to Crucial Medication-Assisted Treatment , September 06, 2019 by Samar Khurshid
In Opioid Fight, City Expands Access to Crucial Medication-Assisted Treatment , September 06, 2019 by Samar Khurshid
Of course the tone of the article is one of triumphalism and praise for our Glorious Leaders who in their olympian compassion and generosity have decreed that in order to fight opioid addiction, addicts will get access to even more drugs, safely under medical supervision, legally and most important of all, free. That is free for the recipients with the costs borne by the taxpayers, many of whom have trouble making ends meet in one of the highest cost of living cities in the U.S.. Progressive liberals are always great, big warm hearted altruists with other people's money and citizen, permanent resident or illegal alien makes no difference here. Don't fret about the morality of forced altruism in the name of a dubious cause. It's only money, folks.
However, there is in this permissive, even backhanded encouragement of narcotics use a peculiar contradiction from the progressive liberal's otherwise puritanically forbidding views on sugary drinks, fast foods, tobacco use and eating meat but when it comes to drug use, the scales fall from liberal eyes. Whereas liberals screech in outrage at the thought of the medical expenses of cigarette smokers which is only an increased statistical probability, the liberal spares no expense, paid for by others, for the certain expenses incurred by heroin users. Just as liberals can see some kind of difference between the inhaling of the smoke of burning tobacco as dangerous to one's health, wrong and evil but inhaling the smoke of burning marijuana has no ill effects on one's health, is benevolent, good and heartily encouraged. For progressive left, even comestibles may fall under the evil devil category or may be the nectar and ambrosia of their angels so in their twisted progressive world, this isn't a contradiction at all.
But assuaging the liberal's desperate need to be seen as the most wonderfully beneficent beings in the universe isn't all that's going on here. Sure, feeding the rank-and-file liberal's galactic scale egos is important but more important is the feeding of cash to crony capitalists and other politically connected middleman businesses. Pharmaceutical companies can look forward to increased sales of methadone and buprenorphine. Privately operated clinics, with friends in high places, employing doctors, nurses and other staff have a publicly funded jobs program and politically connected *insert name here* associates firms can get into the trough with ever more "studies" that must be conducted. All in the glorious name of "medically assisted treatment" of drug addiction by addicting narcotics users to other different drugs rather than helping them quit drug use altogether. A program name that will eventually be encouraged by our managerial betters to be adopted by undocumented pharmacists (street drug dealers and pushers) to legalize street narcotics sale as opioid treatment. Hair of the dog...
Let's not forget drug addicts, who can be seeded throughout the city in half-way houses, homeless shelters or whatever else, are voters too even if they are illegal aliens. Voters who will be most motivated and enthusiastic to vote for the benevolent little fathers and mothers of the Party of Infinite Goodness and Kindness known to lesser mortals as the Democrat party who shall in return ensure every drug addict gets his fix for free.
And here in the People's Banana Empire of New York, it is a magnificent victory over the opioid crisis, a triumph of utterly brilliant socialist central planning and social engineering. Forward comrades!
Donald Cavaioli
However, there is in this permissive, even backhanded encouragement of narcotics use a peculiar contradiction from the progressive liberal's otherwise puritanically forbidding views on sugary drinks, fast foods, tobacco use and eating meat but when it comes to drug use, the scales fall from liberal eyes. Whereas liberals screech in outrage at the thought of the medical expenses of cigarette smokers which is only an increased statistical probability, the liberal spares no expense, paid for by others, for the certain expenses incurred by heroin users. Just as liberals can see some kind of difference between the inhaling of the smoke of burning tobacco as dangerous to one's health, wrong and evil but inhaling the smoke of burning marijuana has no ill effects on one's health, is benevolent, good and heartily encouraged. For progressive left, even comestibles may fall under the evil devil category or may be the nectar and ambrosia of their angels so in their twisted progressive world, this isn't a contradiction at all.
But assuaging the liberal's desperate need to be seen as the most wonderfully beneficent beings in the universe isn't all that's going on here. Sure, feeding the rank-and-file liberal's galactic scale egos is important but more important is the feeding of cash to crony capitalists and other politically connected middleman businesses. Pharmaceutical companies can look forward to increased sales of methadone and buprenorphine. Privately operated clinics, with friends in high places, employing doctors, nurses and other staff have a publicly funded jobs program and politically connected *insert name here* associates firms can get into the trough with ever more "studies" that must be conducted. All in the glorious name of "medically assisted treatment" of drug addiction by addicting narcotics users to other different drugs rather than helping them quit drug use altogether. A program name that will eventually be encouraged by our managerial betters to be adopted by undocumented pharmacists (street drug dealers and pushers) to legalize street narcotics sale as opioid treatment. Hair of the dog...
Let's not forget drug addicts, who can be seeded throughout the city in half-way houses, homeless shelters or whatever else, are voters too even if they are illegal aliens. Voters who will be most motivated and enthusiastic to vote for the benevolent little fathers and mothers of the Party of Infinite Goodness and Kindness known to lesser mortals as the Democrat party who shall in return ensure every drug addict gets his fix for free.
And here in the People's Banana Empire of New York, it is a magnificent victory over the opioid crisis, a triumph of utterly brilliant socialist central planning and social engineering. Forward comrades!
Donald Cavaioli
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