It's an interesting situation when people immigrate to the United States who not only refuse to assimilate to our culture and political system but apparently despise it, and seek to destroy it. One has to ask why such people who hate this country bother to come here in the first place or refuse to return to their homelands after finding us so distasteful. Worse still are the liberals who still insist upon calling people who are obviously our enemies who seek to do us harm, "Americans", make special note that they are "U.S. citizens" and residents of a particular town with equal status of natives. Why is it that the same liberals insist those who want to destroy our culture and nation must not only be granted entry into this country as an unquestionably inalienable right and all must refer to them as Americans?
An example of this curious situation can be found here in this article by QNS:
"Jamaica women admit to planning and distributing information about making explosives for terrorists attacks" by Emily Davenport on August 23, 2019
Two foreigners in this interesting situation who have pled guilty to planning a terrorist attack are pointedly referred to as "Jamaica" women and "U.S. citizens" as if the magic dirt of America conferred these titles upon them that none may gainsay. In fact, I might possibly be guilty of "racism" and "white supremacism" in noting the oxymoronic use of U.S. citizen and Jamaica women to describe two individuals who are obviously enemies of our nation and should be stripped of their citizenship and deported as undesirable aliens. After serving their prison sentences, of course.
Yet we're fighting these interminable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ostensibly to fight terrorism "over there" so we don't have it happen over here and at the same time, allow a massive influx of people which harbors some terrorists among them to immigrate here.
But our progressive liberal overlords have decreed that anyone from anywhere in the world who wants to come to the U.S. must be granted entry as of right. And further, must be acknowledged as just as much a true American as any native born even if they not only refuse to assimilate but demand we Americans change our culture and language or adopt their non-Christian religions to suit the newcomers who prefer to live in balkanized ethnic enclaves. Is this not the very definition of colonialism and imperialism just as foreigners entering another country with hostile intent towards the native population an invasion?
What is an acceptable amount of casualties with our current immigration policies? How many dead and wounded do liberals feel is acceptable collateral damage in pursuit of cosmopolitan multiculturalism?
Now contrast this with the same liberals who react with holy outrage when India attempts to assimilate the Kashmir, the People's Republic of China suppresses Islam with the Uighurs or allows ethnic Chinese to emigrate into Tibet and alter Tibetan culture. Not to mention the situation in Hong Kong. Nor should we forget the past colonialism of the old European powers was absolutely the most horrific ever perpetrated in human history even if there were not hoards of white Europeans banging down the doors to gain entry to non-white colony countries.
Isn't ethnic diversity and immigration a good thing that must be celebrated? So diversity isn't always our strength? So some forms of imperialism and colonialism are good or bad depending only if Europe and north America are the recipients or perpetrators respectively.
But Americans must accept a massive influx of foreigners and change our culture to adapt to them so American nationalism is apparently forbidden by these hypocritical and supercilious luminaries.
Diversity and open borders immigration is only good for us and the official line is: "Nationalism for thee but not for me". And to notice this discrepancy is the new definition of racism.
Donald Cavaioli
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's Call to "White Supremacist" to Repent Their Sins and Accept the Mercy of the Inquisition
From The Huffington Post: "Ocasio-Cortez Speaks Directly To White Supremacists In Surprise Appeal" by Ed Mazza, posted August 7, 2019
I usually do try to stay away from posting anything about Sandy, the Queen of Cringy Clickbait, that Ultimate Dreamgirl of Hipster Bugmen, and the girl who constantly prattles on so much and really says nothing because quite frankly, I find her and her race baiting and threadbare socialist drivel boring. But like passing a car accident and out of morbid curiosity, you just have to stop and take a look and I'll later regret the 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back reading this inane article, watching the attached video, but I just couldn't help but to look at this latest car wreck of cringe.
Here Sandy in the video looks like a preacher having an Oprah moment calling upon white supremacists to repent their racial sins and return to the fold, your mother awaits her prodigal son, even your teacher prays for your conversion to the one true progressive liberal religion. Just accept Marx as your personal savior, embrace your replacement as a majority in your own country and shut the fuck up, you silly white American people. Now everybody, big hug!
However, Sandy only calls out white racists in spite of many other mass murders by non-whites. She starts with the premise that there is a sizeable contingent of these white supremacists that are committing all the mass shootings on the planet, who have been seduced by the racism devil and that they represent the only "hate group" on earth. Any other non-white who commits an act of mass murder must be justified then as the left's angels can do no wrong.
The forgiving sentiments expressed are questionable as not once does Sandy concede that maybe dissidents who disagree with multiculturalism or immigration policy, those whom she refers to as "white supremacists" may have a grievance even if she herself believes it to be unfounded. She and all other leftists and liberals assume those who disagree with progressive immigration policies and multiculturalism only do so out of unreasoning hatred for foreigners and a belief in the manifest superiority of their own race without providing any credible evidence for it. This shows that Sandy and the rest of the progressive liberal clown show haven't even bothered to listen to what the dissidents have to say about their thinking and beliefs.
How can one offer to extend forgiveness under these circumstances if one is unwilling to at least listen to what the alleged offender has to say in his own defense. Especially without dialog and debate after which the "white supremacist" himself acknowledges his mistake and asks for forgiveness?
It is possible to forgive and forget someone for something they mistakenly believed in. But considering other statements Sandy has made, I suspect that these so-called "white supremacists" can never be forgiven the original sin of racism. For it is enshrined in the scripture of the identity left that racism is quintessential to white people and only white people. Nor will racism and "white privilege", branded upon us like the mark of Cain, ever be expunged no matter if we vote for "people of color" candidates, pay the danegeld of reparations or no matter how profusely and many times we apologize and grovel for forgiveness. To the progressive left, our moral character is fixed and permanently etched into us at birth.
If the ever present virus of racism is incurable then white people are just permanently infected with evil and only await a gun to tell them to go kill all non-whites. Or so goes the progressive and liberal narrative. The final tell that this is just more empty and meaningless rhetoric in a banal attempt to make Sandy look like the "good guy" peacemaker is her assertion that President Trump is in fact a racist. Confirmed through incontrovertible spectral evidence and thus beyond any shadow of a doubt a racist. Yet no matter how many times civic nationalist Trump denounced racism and "hate", called for more legal immigration, the bad Orange Man is the chief devil who can never be redeemed. As the Orange Man of supreme evil is worshiped by and commands all "white supremacists", who have no will or mind of their own, to acts of wickedness through a series of secret codes and "dog whistles" then how can any of these offenders ever repent or be reformed? It's a catch 22 situation.
If Sandy and her prog comrades can never forgive Trump, a man who was always a moderate with socially liberal tendencies, who never made any racist remarks then what hope can dissidents who are labeled "white supremacists", who have openly blasphemed the Identity Marx god can be reformed of their wrongthink and forgiven except perhaps by their neighbors and loved ones. They, who as Sandy in a voice quavering with almost believable emotion informs us are forlornly awaiting their bad seed to see the light and come home. Here one must pause to wipe away a tear at such a heart string tugging moment.
But wait, there's another catch 22 here as well. Aren't their friends and neighbors, presumably white as well and themselves thus tainted by the original sin of racism? Who can the offender's family, teachers, loved ones, pets etc., confess their sins to and return to to be reformed? Can a forever damned race sinner forgive or reform another forever damned race sinner, especially one who blasphemed multiculturalism and open borders immigration. Is it not established canon that all of them through their viral racist infection have an innate, uncontrollable desire to be mean to "people of color" as Sandy, speaking ex-cathedra, in the previously linked article has established? The convoluted ontology is enough to make your head spin.
Therefore the lachrymose prodigal son imagery is simply words devoid of any rational meaning or true intent, spoken only for emotional effect.
Does Sandy ever think through this stuff before she speaks or does she just blurt out anything she thinks sounds good, blissfully unaware of how cringy or silly it really is? Maybe not, but what's more important here is how sincere she is and to consider if the sappy inanity may well cover something darker.
And here Sandy's claimed offer of forgiveness rings hollow, which is a fine way of saying it's bullshit. As previously noted, Sandy and the rest of her clown posse haven't ever bothered to listen to what the dissidents whom she smears as "white supremacists" have to say in their own defense. There is no other side of the story, no defense for the wicked as their guilt is manifest and absolute. Therefore all that remains is for the accused to confess their sins and gain absolution only after purification in the fires of the stake.
This is so because Sandy and the Justice Democrats, and the progressive left as a whole, have established themselves as evangelical missionaries of the Identity Marx cargo cult whose sacred duty it is to purge the world of all sin and evil and to exorcise those they deem evil. To accomplish this crusade, they have appointed themselves the Justice Inquisitors, the hunters and destroyers of witches, heretics and other bad people. Their belief system demands it. The world must be cleansed of all doubters, dissidents, unbelievers and deplorables, and so purified before the promised socialist heaven on Earth can be achieved.
Therefore, the Justice Inquisitors deem the stake and gibbet to be unavoidable as those unbelievers and dissidents whom the progressive left consider to be devils are of an evil which is intrinsic and immutable. So it is impossible for the devils to repent, be reformed or reeducated and so become good as lefty progs do not believe human beings have free will or moral agency. Hence, the devils cannot choose not to be devils anymore and therefore, can only be, and must be, destroyed. The teleology of the progressive left offers no other solution.
Personally, I thought Sandy did a much better job with the method acting, crying at the border fence while looking at the empty road but still an almost credible a job at bad acting and duplicity.
Donald Cavaioli
I usually do try to stay away from posting anything about Sandy, the Queen of Cringy Clickbait, that Ultimate Dreamgirl of Hipster Bugmen, and the girl who constantly prattles on so much and really says nothing because quite frankly, I find her and her race baiting and threadbare socialist drivel boring. But like passing a car accident and out of morbid curiosity, you just have to stop and take a look and I'll later regret the 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back reading this inane article, watching the attached video, but I just couldn't help but to look at this latest car wreck of cringe.
Here Sandy in the video looks like a preacher having an Oprah moment calling upon white supremacists to repent their racial sins and return to the fold, your mother awaits her prodigal son, even your teacher prays for your conversion to the one true progressive liberal religion. Just accept Marx as your personal savior, embrace your replacement as a majority in your own country and shut the fuck up, you silly white American people. Now everybody, big hug!
However, Sandy only calls out white racists in spite of many other mass murders by non-whites. She starts with the premise that there is a sizeable contingent of these white supremacists that are committing all the mass shootings on the planet, who have been seduced by the racism devil and that they represent the only "hate group" on earth. Any other non-white who commits an act of mass murder must be justified then as the left's angels can do no wrong.
The forgiving sentiments expressed are questionable as not once does Sandy concede that maybe dissidents who disagree with multiculturalism or immigration policy, those whom she refers to as "white supremacists" may have a grievance even if she herself believes it to be unfounded. She and all other leftists and liberals assume those who disagree with progressive immigration policies and multiculturalism only do so out of unreasoning hatred for foreigners and a belief in the manifest superiority of their own race without providing any credible evidence for it. This shows that Sandy and the rest of the progressive liberal clown show haven't even bothered to listen to what the dissidents have to say about their thinking and beliefs.
How can one offer to extend forgiveness under these circumstances if one is unwilling to at least listen to what the alleged offender has to say in his own defense. Especially without dialog and debate after which the "white supremacist" himself acknowledges his mistake and asks for forgiveness?
It is possible to forgive and forget someone for something they mistakenly believed in. But considering other statements Sandy has made, I suspect that these so-called "white supremacists" can never be forgiven the original sin of racism. For it is enshrined in the scripture of the identity left that racism is quintessential to white people and only white people. Nor will racism and "white privilege", branded upon us like the mark of Cain, ever be expunged no matter if we vote for "people of color" candidates, pay the danegeld of reparations or no matter how profusely and many times we apologize and grovel for forgiveness. To the progressive left, our moral character is fixed and permanently etched into us at birth.
If the ever present virus of racism is incurable then white people are just permanently infected with evil and only await a gun to tell them to go kill all non-whites. Or so goes the progressive and liberal narrative. The final tell that this is just more empty and meaningless rhetoric in a banal attempt to make Sandy look like the "good guy" peacemaker is her assertion that President Trump is in fact a racist. Confirmed through incontrovertible spectral evidence and thus beyond any shadow of a doubt a racist. Yet no matter how many times civic nationalist Trump denounced racism and "hate", called for more legal immigration, the bad Orange Man is the chief devil who can never be redeemed. As the Orange Man of supreme evil is worshiped by and commands all "white supremacists", who have no will or mind of their own, to acts of wickedness through a series of secret codes and "dog whistles" then how can any of these offenders ever repent or be reformed? It's a catch 22 situation.
If Sandy and her prog comrades can never forgive Trump, a man who was always a moderate with socially liberal tendencies, who never made any racist remarks then what hope can dissidents who are labeled "white supremacists", who have openly blasphemed the Identity Marx god can be reformed of their wrongthink and forgiven except perhaps by their neighbors and loved ones. They, who as Sandy in a voice quavering with almost believable emotion informs us are forlornly awaiting their bad seed to see the light and come home. Here one must pause to wipe away a tear at such a heart string tugging moment.
But wait, there's another catch 22 here as well. Aren't their friends and neighbors, presumably white as well and themselves thus tainted by the original sin of racism? Who can the offender's family, teachers, loved ones, pets etc., confess their sins to and return to to be reformed? Can a forever damned race sinner forgive or reform another forever damned race sinner, especially one who blasphemed multiculturalism and open borders immigration. Is it not established canon that all of them through their viral racist infection have an innate, uncontrollable desire to be mean to "people of color" as Sandy, speaking ex-cathedra, in the previously linked article has established? The convoluted ontology is enough to make your head spin.
Therefore the lachrymose prodigal son imagery is simply words devoid of any rational meaning or true intent, spoken only for emotional effect.
Does Sandy ever think through this stuff before she speaks or does she just blurt out anything she thinks sounds good, blissfully unaware of how cringy or silly it really is? Maybe not, but what's more important here is how sincere she is and to consider if the sappy inanity may well cover something darker.
And here Sandy's claimed offer of forgiveness rings hollow, which is a fine way of saying it's bullshit. As previously noted, Sandy and the rest of her clown posse haven't ever bothered to listen to what the dissidents whom she smears as "white supremacists" have to say in their own defense. There is no other side of the story, no defense for the wicked as their guilt is manifest and absolute. Therefore all that remains is for the accused to confess their sins and gain absolution only after purification in the fires of the stake.
This is so because Sandy and the Justice Democrats, and the progressive left as a whole, have established themselves as evangelical missionaries of the Identity Marx cargo cult whose sacred duty it is to purge the world of all sin and evil and to exorcise those they deem evil. To accomplish this crusade, they have appointed themselves the Justice Inquisitors, the hunters and destroyers of witches, heretics and other bad people. Their belief system demands it. The world must be cleansed of all doubters, dissidents, unbelievers and deplorables, and so purified before the promised socialist heaven on Earth can be achieved.
Therefore, the Justice Inquisitors deem the stake and gibbet to be unavoidable as those unbelievers and dissidents whom the progressive left consider to be devils are of an evil which is intrinsic and immutable. So it is impossible for the devils to repent, be reformed or reeducated and so become good as lefty progs do not believe human beings have free will or moral agency. Hence, the devils cannot choose not to be devils anymore and therefore, can only be, and must be, destroyed. The teleology of the progressive left offers no other solution.
Personally, I thought Sandy did a much better job with the method acting, crying at the border fence while looking at the empty road but still an almost credible a job at bad acting and duplicity.
Donald Cavaioli
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
New York State's Latest Round of New Gun Control Laws: Going Full Retard and Doubling Down on Useless
From: The Democrat and Chronicle-
"New law bars most NY school employees from carrying guns on campus" by Jon Campbell, July 31, 2019, updated August 2, 2019
"New law bars most NY school employees from carrying guns on campus" by Jon Campbell, July 31, 2019, updated August 2, 2019
Of course this makes complete sense- If you're a ghoulish sociopath who really wants the maximum body count at a school shooting to cynically exploit such incidents for the purpose of political grandstanding. The more rabbits in the killbox, the better, providing new opportunities to exploit future grisly events as tragedies that shouldn't be let go to waste. This new raft of laws will do nothing to make students and teachers any safer but they aren't meant to. This is because it's really meant to expand the power and control of the managerial state, to take the power of self-defense away from the citizen and make him more vulnerable and hence more dependent on the state. For when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Liberals, progressives and other such ilk may loudly and publicly trumpet their concern and care for the victims of mass shootings then in the same breath, propose a raft of new laws to stop such incidents even if the previous slew of laws failed to stop murders. Could it be that maybe a few more laws, more and bigger "gun free zone" signs displayed more prominently, making firearms licenses and purchase from legitimate dealers more difficult will finally stop criminals and psychopaths from legally purchasing firearms to commit crimes? That criminals and psychopaths don't follow any laws never seems to occur to rank and file liberal rabbits because as they see it, it was the gun's fault as it magically influenced the people holding them to commit murder. But worse still, guns kill people more dead than do lesser forms of death say by stabbing and running people over with cars or trucks.
And why wouldn't criminals purchase firearms from legitimate dealers, apply for firearms licenses and properly register their firearms with the authorities? Buying guns from the street corner illegal dealer would be against the law and...wrong! And what's with these schizophrenics and chronically depressed people on SSRI psychotropic medications who kill family members to take their firearms out to shoot other people? Are they crazy or something? You'd think their medications are causing violent and suicidal behavior or something but that would be crazy talk, wouldn't it. So by process of elimination, it must be sentient guns which should be banned, moar laws to be passed, insanity made illegal, more lachrymose speechs to be made and more, bigger and easier to read 'gun free zone' signs prominently displayed. Problem solved.
In the end, liberals, progressives, social justice warriors really do not care about crime victims except where it allows them to virtue signal, pretend they actually have some sense of empathy and attempt to convince themselves and others that they are wonderful exemplars of humanity. For the managerial elites and ruling class, this is just an opportunity to pretend that they care about the people over whom they govern and in reality, despise. Displays of contempt and violent hatred of normies by most recently the likes of this Chris Cuomo meltdown illustrates this point very well.
However, there is some good news as there is a growing sense among the average Joe and Jane Normie that the leftists are liars and their pharisaic displays of overwrought emotionalism is a deception meant to manipulate the masses into political and social agendas nobody wants and would be detrimental to the American people. As well, the average American is beginning to realize just how much their rulers truly loath them. These new laws and vapid speeches will have precisely the same effect as the old laws: Nothing. But the ruling class and elites just can't help going full retard with new useless laws or being called out by proles. Keep up the great work, Fredo!
Donald Cavaioli
Liberals, progressives and other such ilk may loudly and publicly trumpet their concern and care for the victims of mass shootings then in the same breath, propose a raft of new laws to stop such incidents even if the previous slew of laws failed to stop murders. Could it be that maybe a few more laws, more and bigger "gun free zone" signs displayed more prominently, making firearms licenses and purchase from legitimate dealers more difficult will finally stop criminals and psychopaths from legally purchasing firearms to commit crimes? That criminals and psychopaths don't follow any laws never seems to occur to rank and file liberal rabbits because as they see it, it was the gun's fault as it magically influenced the people holding them to commit murder. But worse still, guns kill people more dead than do lesser forms of death say by stabbing and running people over with cars or trucks.
And why wouldn't criminals purchase firearms from legitimate dealers, apply for firearms licenses and properly register their firearms with the authorities? Buying guns from the street corner illegal dealer would be against the law and...wrong! And what's with these schizophrenics and chronically depressed people on SSRI psychotropic medications who kill family members to take their firearms out to shoot other people? Are they crazy or something? You'd think their medications are causing violent and suicidal behavior or something but that would be crazy talk, wouldn't it. So by process of elimination, it must be sentient guns which should be banned, moar laws to be passed, insanity made illegal, more lachrymose speechs to be made and more, bigger and easier to read 'gun free zone' signs prominently displayed. Problem solved.
In the end, liberals, progressives, social justice warriors really do not care about crime victims except where it allows them to virtue signal, pretend they actually have some sense of empathy and attempt to convince themselves and others that they are wonderful exemplars of humanity. For the managerial elites and ruling class, this is just an opportunity to pretend that they care about the people over whom they govern and in reality, despise. Displays of contempt and violent hatred of normies by most recently the likes of this Chris Cuomo meltdown illustrates this point very well.
However, there is some good news as there is a growing sense among the average Joe and Jane Normie that the leftists are liars and their pharisaic displays of overwrought emotionalism is a deception meant to manipulate the masses into political and social agendas nobody wants and would be detrimental to the American people. As well, the average American is beginning to realize just how much their rulers truly loath them. These new laws and vapid speeches will have precisely the same effect as the old laws: Nothing. But the ruling class and elites just can't help going full retard with new useless laws or being called out by proles. Keep up the great work, Fredo!
Donald Cavaioli
Saturday, August 3, 2019
The Real Motivations the Behind the New York City Homeless Shelter Protests: A Conspiracy Theory
Everybody loves a good conspiracy theory even the wacky ones.
Who doesn't love to speculate about who really killed John F Kennedy or that the Apollo moon landings were faked 6 times, or love to debunk them and mock the nutters who believe in them. But one thing should be noted and that is that some conspiracies were and are real. History is full of them in fact from the start of wars to coup d'eta and assassinations.
Then again, what are usually referred to as conspiracy theories aren't really conspiracies hatched by shadowy, furtive people who use codes like "John has a long mustache" to gain entry to dark backrooms where they formulate their dastardly plots and plans. No, They are presented and debated in public and the architects of these schemes lay out the thinking behind them in detail. For instance, when anyone brings up the topic of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, they are derided as conspiracy theorists when in fact these two agendas are actually public policy openly discussed and debated. A subset of open public policy can of course carry agendas and interests either hidden from the public or very little spoken of. Catastrophic anthropogenic global warming/climate change/climate emergency or whatever new buzzword is employed to whip up an increasingly disinterested public is an excellent example of this. Its proponents seldom bother to hide the fact they promote this doomsday scenario for poorly concealed sociopolitical agendas and/or self-serving reasons other than saving the world.
However, it's unanswered questions and events that don't make sense or add up that sparks the conspiracy theory in the absence of transparency and comprehensive explanations. Questions in this case like why do homeless shelter protests in different towns or neighborhoods, if you will, in Queens County never achieve any real results. They mostly fail. Hotels contracted with the city as shelters were always temporary until a new shelter could be built so any hotel losing a city contract isn't a real victory. Moving a proposed shelter site a few block away or in the next neighborhood isn't a victory but a weasely dick NIMBY move. And events that do not make any sense like calling a victory a promise by the city to put fewer people with no pysch or substance abuse problems in a particular shelter when even being called a partial victory by the protesters is them simply jerking themselves off. What makes them think the city will not gradually increase the number of people, even psychos and junkies, sheltered there?
And this brings us to the subject of this post.
First of all, it must be said that I have no inside information nor do I personally know anyone involved in local homeless shelter protests and am not making any allegations against any individual or group so my conspiracy theory is just that: A theory and not even necessarily a conspiracy, just politics as usual.
For the activists and politicians, they are only in it to benefit themselves and/or protect their own property values. They couldn't care less about the homeless, whether public or private money should go into operating shelters, or that they end up dumping the shelters and all their attendant problems that they cause onto another neighborhood with little or no political power. Getting the shelter placed elsewhere is a sign of an activist group's high status and political clout. Otherwise, they would be angling for city money to go to a new community center that caters to their particular ethnic/identity group or public money for any non-profit they are associated with. Or for local windbags that are either self-appointed "mayors" of the neighborhood and other local busybodies to grandstand and gain more local political clout, real or imagined. Clearly, addressing homelessness and what should public policy be to set limits on who and how many we as a city shelter or should it be left to private charity should be the entire point of contention here. Most of all, why does not one of the shelter protesters ever question the wisdom of this policy of liberal pathological generosity, with other people's money of course, that simply attracts ever more people to NYC seeking shelter and other freestuff? Nor is the question ever asked how many or what percentage of illegal aliens comprise the ranks of the city's homeless population and has that population been growing, shrinking or staying the same. In a high cost of living city such as NYC, one would think that the working classes and middle classes who make up the ranks of the shelter protesters, who have a hard time making ends meet, should be asking these questions.
But they don't and they never will. In fact, they will still vapidly continue to support the same politicians who promote and expand this and other policies that are detrimental to the interests of the tax paying residents and further degrades their quality of life.
New York City can be summed up as nothing more than an ever growing cadre of identity/victim grievance groups, activists and NGOs like so many hogs, pushing each other out of the way to get their snouts into the public trough and gobble up as much tax payer money as they can. The politicians sit atop the food chain granting the pigs access to the trough, doling out ever more freestuff to their client voters and collecting tribute from their crony capitalist vassals in return for letting them run amok. The modern progressive left and liberalism, mad degenerates in all their sordid and demented glory.
Considering the city's dysfunctional political system and that success or change is not even on these homeless shelter protest activist's radar one cannot help descending into these dark musings of conspiracy and ulterior motive. Or maybe I owe some apologies to well-meaning, but naive and utterly stupid protesters.
Donald Cavaioli
Who doesn't love to speculate about who really killed John F Kennedy or that the Apollo moon landings were faked 6 times, or love to debunk them and mock the nutters who believe in them. But one thing should be noted and that is that some conspiracies were and are real. History is full of them in fact from the start of wars to coup d'eta and assassinations.
Then again, what are usually referred to as conspiracy theories aren't really conspiracies hatched by shadowy, furtive people who use codes like "John has a long mustache" to gain entry to dark backrooms where they formulate their dastardly plots and plans. No, They are presented and debated in public and the architects of these schemes lay out the thinking behind them in detail. For instance, when anyone brings up the topic of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, they are derided as conspiracy theorists when in fact these two agendas are actually public policy openly discussed and debated. A subset of open public policy can of course carry agendas and interests either hidden from the public or very little spoken of. Catastrophic anthropogenic global warming/climate change/climate emergency or whatever new buzzword is employed to whip up an increasingly disinterested public is an excellent example of this. Its proponents seldom bother to hide the fact they promote this doomsday scenario for poorly concealed sociopolitical agendas and/or self-serving reasons other than saving the world.
However, it's unanswered questions and events that don't make sense or add up that sparks the conspiracy theory in the absence of transparency and comprehensive explanations. Questions in this case like why do homeless shelter protests in different towns or neighborhoods, if you will, in Queens County never achieve any real results. They mostly fail. Hotels contracted with the city as shelters were always temporary until a new shelter could be built so any hotel losing a city contract isn't a real victory. Moving a proposed shelter site a few block away or in the next neighborhood isn't a victory but a weasely dick NIMBY move. And events that do not make any sense like calling a victory a promise by the city to put fewer people with no pysch or substance abuse problems in a particular shelter when even being called a partial victory by the protesters is them simply jerking themselves off. What makes them think the city will not gradually increase the number of people, even psychos and junkies, sheltered there?
And this brings us to the subject of this post.
First of all, it must be said that I have no inside information nor do I personally know anyone involved in local homeless shelter protests and am not making any allegations against any individual or group so my conspiracy theory is just that: A theory and not even necessarily a conspiracy, just politics as usual.
For the activists and politicians, they are only in it to benefit themselves and/or protect their own property values. They couldn't care less about the homeless, whether public or private money should go into operating shelters, or that they end up dumping the shelters and all their attendant problems that they cause onto another neighborhood with little or no political power. Getting the shelter placed elsewhere is a sign of an activist group's high status and political clout. Otherwise, they would be angling for city money to go to a new community center that caters to their particular ethnic/identity group or public money for any non-profit they are associated with. Or for local windbags that are either self-appointed "mayors" of the neighborhood and other local busybodies to grandstand and gain more local political clout, real or imagined. Clearly, addressing homelessness and what should public policy be to set limits on who and how many we as a city shelter or should it be left to private charity should be the entire point of contention here. Most of all, why does not one of the shelter protesters ever question the wisdom of this policy of liberal pathological generosity, with other people's money of course, that simply attracts ever more people to NYC seeking shelter and other freestuff? Nor is the question ever asked how many or what percentage of illegal aliens comprise the ranks of the city's homeless population and has that population been growing, shrinking or staying the same. In a high cost of living city such as NYC, one would think that the working classes and middle classes who make up the ranks of the shelter protesters, who have a hard time making ends meet, should be asking these questions.
But they don't and they never will. In fact, they will still vapidly continue to support the same politicians who promote and expand this and other policies that are detrimental to the interests of the tax paying residents and further degrades their quality of life.
New York City can be summed up as nothing more than an ever growing cadre of identity/victim grievance groups, activists and NGOs like so many hogs, pushing each other out of the way to get their snouts into the public trough and gobble up as much tax payer money as they can. The politicians sit atop the food chain granting the pigs access to the trough, doling out ever more freestuff to their client voters and collecting tribute from their crony capitalist vassals in return for letting them run amok. The modern progressive left and liberalism, mad degenerates in all their sordid and demented glory.
Considering the city's dysfunctional political system and that success or change is not even on these homeless shelter protest activist's radar one cannot help descending into these dark musings of conspiracy and ulterior motive. Or maybe I owe some apologies to well-meaning, but naive and utterly stupid protesters.
Donald Cavaioli
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Brooklyn Bridge Plaza ca 1907 colorized
Original black & white photo of the Brooklyn Bridge Plaza with the Sands Point station in the background ca 1907. Smoke and the sky is harder to colorize than you think. I just can't get rid of the funny tint after colorizing this photo. It came out okay but I'm not completely happy with the result.
Donald Cavaioli
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