From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle: ‘Adapt or die’ — Restaurants find ways to evolve amid virus, June 22, 2020 Mark Kennedy Associated Press
The Peasant Mindset never ceases to amaze me in a horrifying sort of way. When I wrote that post, I had at least some notion that new information or observation could come along in the future that would have me revisit this theory and revise or discard it as necessary. Maybe it's better than average correct but I had no idea how accurate the theory really was. Not that it pleases me to be right, but on the contrary, I am dismayed and disgusted by it. The more the notion that on average people will behave like servile peasants has spread around the internet as many more people than myself have independently come up with the idea, I hoped more normies would have seen this and acted to prove it wrong. Joe and Jane Normie view themselves as proud Americans and nothing could be less American than being a debased slave of the State and if called out on it, they would act to refute it. I was in the end, wrong for being right.
Two of the most fundamental ideals of being an American are valuing and protecting their inalienable individual rights, protected from government encroachment by the Bill of Rights and free enterprise. But under the multi-purpose tool of this alleged demon virus, COVID-19, Joes and Janes around the country can't surrender to the plenary power of the State fast enough or more completely. Even at the cost of their own livelihoods, they will in effect, willingly commit suicide to prove what loyal little peasants they are. And in this Brooklyn Daily Eagle article, behold the once proud Americans castrate themselves out of unreasoning fear and obsequiousness before the politicians and bureaucrats who are supposed to be the public's servants.
The restaurants owners have given up any pretense of government by and for the people for the "new normal" of micro-managed government control down to how many patrons my dine there, that salt and pepper shakers cannot be on the tables and how many feet apart patrons must be- or else. Patrons are even required to wear face masks while alone in a restroom so to enforce this edict, how long will it be before cameras are mandated in bathrooms. The panopticon taken to levels undreamed of by Orwell and would have made the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao blush.
Not that any of our Betters have bothered to prove that this virus is in any way novel or deadly, or that there is any science behind this anal-retentive hypochondria beyond hysterical claims based on wildly inaccurate computer models. The facts even from the CDC show COVID-19 isn't worse than an average cold and flu season. So why go through all this shutdown/lockdown essential/non-essential, masks and social distancing nonsense? Because government apparatchiks said so, that's why and that's all the filthy peasants need to know.
These restaurant owners seem to forget that that as taxpayers and voters, that the politicians and bureaucrats they kowtow to are in fact their employees, not their masters even if politicians threaten their licenses. Does the Chamber of Commerce have no lobbying power? Do these business owners not make contributions to political campaigns such that they have some influence with elected politicians? Do they not vote in elections? Can they not band together for a class action lawsuit that would force the state of New York to prove their claims of how dangerous this COVID-19 virus is and prove the science behind and necessity of all these draconian regulations? Did anyone not notice how all the mask wearing, social distancing and prohibition of demonstrations and groups not to exceed 10 people have gone completely out the window in light of the George Floyd/BLM/Antifa demonstrations, riots and looting? How many businesses were further hurt by this while the city and state stood by and did nothing. In fact, how many government apparatchiks with some sort of medical degree declared these events as good and will cause no public health problems. What more proof does anyone need to see that city, state and federal government officials who have imposed this control freak's Orwellian wet dream on us were lying all along?
To these restaurant and bar owners who believe they can conform to this artificial "new normal" and survive, I tell you this: You'll lose eventually because the powers that be have decreed it. Our Masters have found that when people get together and socialize, the peasants get into such mischief as questioning the official narrative, voting for Orange man bad, Boris Johnson and Brexit and develop the temerity and hubris to live above their lowly station. The peasant begins to see himself as the equal of his Master and this must be stopped. No amount of whining "not me","it wasn't me doing these things", "I'm a loyal progressive liberal" will matter. Your goodthinker progressive credentials and past acts will not save you from Witch Hunter Karen.
The U.S. Constitution has long been a thorn in the side of the Managerial Ruling Class and has been de-facto overthrown with governors and mayors illegally ruling through fiat. We must not stand for it and must vote all politicians who went along with this out of office. No exceptions for your Great Guy. If I was correct in the Peasant Mindset then I may well be correct now in what I write. If nothing else, you can have pride in yourselves as competent, productive adults who contribute to their communities and local economies. Otherwise, you'd be forced to eke out a marginal existence as incompetent imbeciles wholly dependent on the opinions and decisions of government experts fetishized as infallible high priests. You built businesses and worked too hard for them to now accept living on your knees for the reason a politician or bureaucrat merely said so.
There is no longer any room in the new perfect planned and controlled cashless society for such small fry as yourselves so if you survive these regulations, a new invisible killer unicorn threat will be manufactured with even more stringent rules to finally kill you all off. As the length of time for such non-essential businesses as yours and the reasons for it were changed so many times already do you not see you were being lied to? Understand that all the virtue signalling, fealty and groveling to your Betters will not save you as it shows how weak and cowardly you are. It will only make your destruction more satisfying to our political masters as they slowly crush you. Your dying squeals for mercy and of loyalty while on your knees will be sweet music to their ears. Don't believe the lies, don't meekly accept this new normal. Fight back now before it's too late.
Donald Cavaioli
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